The town sports hall in Zielonka near Warsaw is one of the most modern objects of this type in Poland, owing in large part also to the sound reinforcement system designed by our company. Cubature exceeding 4600 m3, 542 seats and a 44,6m x 25m play floor clearly visualize the size of this project.

The contract included design and installation of a PA system covering individual areas:
• play floor;
• spectator stands;
• changing rooms;
• corridors and main entrance;
The main purposes served by this system include public announcements and playback of music and recordings.
This system is based on a DSP unit, which handles the signals based on a priority ladder. Sound sources can include wireless microphones and a microphone station, allowing for addressing selected zones, as well as stereo players mounted in a dedicated mobile rack. The signals from the sound sources pass through the multitasking processor, from which they are directed to the power amplifiers of the individual speaker zones (play floor, spectator stands, corridors, changing rooms). The system can be controlled from the commentator box as well as directly from the play floor.

The project also included a complete sound, lighting and large-screen video system for a 20 m x 12 m x 6 m show stage, along with the required supplementary technology. The audience hall comprises of 230 seats and also includes a backstage room, which we described in more detail below.
The main stipulations for a sound system of this type include:
• uniform high quality sound at all places of the audience;
• good speech intelligibility (RASTI method);
• ability to host concerts, presentations and lectures;
The systems backbone consists of signal cabling with wall and floor connection boxes as well as audio splitters from Pinanson. The central point consists of a Yamaha audio console, along with appropriate sound recording and playback equipment. Sound input can also come directly from either wireless or regular (wired) microphones. The main sound system consisting of Renkus-Heinz speaker sets and Hughes&Kettner stage monitors, controlled by the Yamaha DME24N digital mixing engine.
The video system allows for multimedia projection onto a large, 600 cm x 450 roll-down screen. The heart of this system consists of a Mitsubishi XL-5950 projector. It also includes a video camera and a wide array of playback devices, such as CD, DVD, VHS players, along with the ability to connect video from laptop computers. Total room darkness can be achieved through electrically controlled window blinds.
All of the above can be conveniently controlled though a touch screen (matryca video w sensie ekranu dotykowego) lub video switching matrix (matryca video w sensie matrycy przełączającej sygnały). On of the more interesting devices included in this system is the Lumen PS350 visualizer, allowing for large-screen presentation of transparencies – similar to a slide projector, but also from opaque materials. An additional advantage of this device is the ability to present 3D objects.

The stage lighting system allows for hosting of practically any event. Among the plethora of installed equipment, it.s worth mentioning:
• high quality PAR stage lights installed at the front and rear of the stage, including independent 8 channel control with color filters;
• variable focus theatrical spotlights;
• moving head. effects projectors;
Additional equipment also includes strobe lights and a smoke machine. All of these elements are controlled from the lighting control console using the DMX protocol.
In addition to the sound reinforcement system, stage lighting and the video system, we provided works related to the stage itself, including installation of the front, horizontal as well as side curtains.
Thanks to proper configuration and use of high quality components, the devices guarantee intercompatibility and proper operation. completely fulfilling all requirements.