One of the top Polish composers, considered by some to be in the same rank as Chopin, is surely Witold Lutosławski. His name was now used to also name one of the best concert halls in Poland including probably one of the best concert studios in this part of Europe . the S1 studio owned by Polskie Radio in Warsaw. This object includes a 420 m2 audience and a 330 m2 stage. The total cubature of this hall is around 10 000 m3, and can accommodate 410 people.

Our company designed and installed a sound reinforcement system, which supports the natural acoustics of the hall. The project objective comprised of closely matching our system to the natural acoustics of the studio, which was fully achieved, facilitating production of even large musical shows.

The text below shortly describes the technical solutions, workmanship quality and class of installed devices.
The stage includes three stage boxes in the form of mobile racks. Each one contains microphone preamplifiers along with A/D converters. The major advantage of this solution comprises of the ability to control their parameters directly from the FOH console, which together with the Yamaha DM2000 v2 digital mixing console serves as the heart of the system. The current setup allows for input of 48 audio signals, with the ability for extension to 96 audio channels. The mixing console uses 24 microphone/linear inputs, 8 linear inputs and 16 linear outputs, as well as 32 digital I/O.s. This equipment provides the sound engineer with several facilities, e.g. task automation or setting memories, whilst at the same time assuring excellent sound quality.

The sound system can operate in several configurations, including: 5.1 surround or front 3.1, 2.1, 2.0. The sound reinforcement system uses Meyer Sound active speakers, fed through a Yamaha DME32 DSP unit. Signals for each of the speakers sets are processed individually in separate channels, allowing for different DSP settings, depending on the music type or the selected operation.
Appropriate cabling an installations in the studio allow for full communication between the individual elements. A system of hoists integrated with the existing studio fixtures allows for rapid and convenient lowering of the speaker clusters onto the stage level.
We are confident, that the solution designed and implemented by our Company fully integrates with the existing systems, assuring the ultimate user experience.