Wrocław ZEC KOGENERACJA S.A. consists of three production plants: EC Wrocław, EC Czechnica and EC Zawidawie, providing a total electrical capacity of 363 MW and heating capacity of 1083,2 MWt. In Spring of 2011, M.Ostrowski installed and audio/video system in the conference room of building ‘A’.

This room was divided into three zones, which allows flexible management of the sound system. The stage area was equipped with multimedia I/O terminals, allowing for convenient transfer of audio and video signals to the room with the central part of the system.

The AV signals are sent to a multimedia switch, which selects which video source to send to the multimedia projector and which audio signal to feed to the input of the mixer. Selection of the source is performed automatically, when an appropriate device (laptop, multimedia player etc.) is connected to the input.